Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I'm trying to knock the "Drunk History" entry off my main page because the video is no longer available, so I'm slapping up a filler page of links to other things.

Baby's Touch 'N Feel Guide to Russian Literature
I took several Russian lit courses, so I am enjoying this page immensely. And I'm always happy to read a summary of Behemoth's role in The Master and Margarita ("Pet Behemoth's soft black fur. Behemoth is a giant cat who walks, talks, and discharges firearms. His owner is Satan.") 

"We have a strategic plan. It's called doing things. - Herb Kelleher"
The sentiment in the quotation is near and dear to my heart. I'm an inveterate doer of things.

and the original Dogblog, which is no longer updated (that's all on the tumblr) but does have an extensive archive. I always make a mental note of which dogs I see when I am out and about, but I am not as funny as the writer of the Dogblog.

School Lunch Websites
I have an inexplicable fascination with this stuff, especially considering that I've never really eaten school lunches; in fact, I'm pretty sure that most grade-school-aged Canadians don't attend schools with cafeterias or have school lunch programs. It may be a different story in the most heavily urbanized areas, now. At my elementary school, we ate bag lunches at our desks. 

Fed Up With School Lunch
This website is premised on a sort-of stunt, wherein an elementary school teacher consumes the same meals available to her students, every day. The food looks pretty lousy, but I keep cringing at all the packaging. Each segment of the lunches comes in separate cardboards with clingfilm lids. Multiply that by however many students, and the daily waste disposal for just that one school must be epic.

What's For School Lunch
This is a more conventional pictures-of-what's-in-the-title blog, with some commentary. Lunches are from schools around the world (and Canada is absent from the list of nations in the sidebar).

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