Friday, June 04, 2010


I can't stop listening to Belle and Sebastian's Tigermilk lately. I've long since known every song on it, but I hadn't listened to the album as a whole until very recently, and it's so, so lovely.

It's a14-year-old album now (!), but I wasn't clued in to Belle and Sebastian until about three albums later (Fold Your Hands, Child...). Books and music were a totally different story in the pre-internet days**, for rural kids like me. I had to trust Spin magazine and the one alternative radio station out of Windsor-Detroit (89X) to point me in the direction of music I might like, and neither would have covered music from an album with such a limited initial release (1000 albums).

**Actually, I know the internet existed in 1996, but I also remember that circa 1993-94, my high school only had 2-3 computers capable of hooking up to the internet. IF my home had internet in 1996, it was most definitely a dial-up connection, which meant we couldn't be tying the phone line up for hours. And I feel 90% sure that my parents didn't get an internet connection until a year or two after that. In fact, the longer I think about it, the less sure I am that my parents had replaced the Commodore 64 (seriously) until after I moved away for school. For assignments, I used an electric typewriter from my last year of high school until midway through my third year of university (although that was unusual, at the time).

So, yeah, Tigermilk. The best song is the first song:

But I love 3-4 other songs almost as much, and the only one that's a bit of a dud is "Electronic Renaissance."

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